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Sunday, March 24, 2019

OK ....

I've now officially lost my shit. I do not trust AG Barr's interpretation of Mueller's report, I don't see how Mueller could have not found a conspiracy between Trump and Russia given even what just we civilians have come to know, and I do indeed believe Trump obstructed justice, despite what Barr asserts. I'll just ask one question .... why all the lying by Trump, his family, and his henchmen about everything having to do with Russia? Until that question is answered, I will have no faith in this report.


Blogger PrickliestPear said...

William Barr authored a memo in which he declared that the Mueller investigation had been "fatally misconceived," because it was prompted by the firing of James Comey and Barr decided in advance that that was something the president has the right to do under any circumstances, and therefore could not be considered obstruction. He ruled it out before seeing any of the evidence. So his summary today is pretty meaningless. It will be interesting to see how long it takes the Democrats to haul him in for a hearing.

What I want to know is, why were so many people given lighter sentences for cooperating with the investigation? To get Paul Manafort and Roger Stone? I suspect it was because they provided evidence that will be useful in other investigations that fall outside of Mueller's rather narrow mandate. And there are a number of other investigations going on already.

7:51 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yeah, Barr's memo. And Barr's obsequious comments when Trump was signing his veto ... "The humanitarian and security crisis we have on the border right now is exactly the kind of emergency that presidents are permitted to address under the National Emergencies Act". He's the polar opposite of non-partisan. I saw that Jerry Nadler has already said he wants Barr to testify before congress about this.

I hope we do get to see the whole report because, as you mention, there were so many people who made plea deals wit Mueller - is it all just about financial corruption?

8:25 PM  

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