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Saturday, May 07, 2022

What to post

It's hard to know what to post about now. Abortion is in the news and as a feminist and someone who once volunteered at Planned Parenthood, I'm interested in that subject. But it's awkward to write about it because almost everyone I know online is pro-life.

I spent years at religious sites like America magazine, National Catholic Reporter, and dotCommonweal discussing topics. Abortion often came up and there were often people on both sides of the issue.

Some extreme conservatives here and there, though, and the things they posted about contraception and abortion were often false .... that most Americans were in favor of a complete ban of abortion ... that abortion emotionally crushed the women who got one ... that most women got late term abortions ... that Planned Parenthood was an abortion factory that sold baby parts ... etc, etc, etc. Those people just hated me and weren't shy at letting me know.

I can't change those people, but what the Supreme Court is planning is wrong. Have to post about that even if it's awkward.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Crystal, not everyone who is pro-life thinks blowing Roe vs Wade away is a good idea. Because it doesn't address the causes that lead women to seek abortions. All that this leak (and the worry about the possible decision this summer) has done is get everyone stirred up and angry. I doubt if even one person's mind was changed over it.

7:07 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yeah, it does seem to be an issue about which it's really hard to change minds.

9:41 AM  

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