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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Star Trek

The latest books I've been reading are in a series ... Star Trek Autobiographies

The first one I read was The Autobiography of James T. Kirk, which I wrote about here back in 2017: The Autobiography of James T. Kirk . It was pretty good.

Since then I have read The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, and right now I'm reading The Autobiography of Mr. Spock: The Life of a Federation Legend

If you are a fan of the original Star Trek, you may well like the books. I thought the first one, the one about Captain Kirk, has been the best.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I used to watch the original Star Trek. I never really got into the sequels. There were some books out about the characters. I think now they'd be called fan fiction. I read one on Spock that I liked. It told about his parents; how they met. They conceived him through in vitro, which isn't surprising. Kind of hard to do it the natural way when you come from different planets. But amazing how everyone was bilateral bipeds and kind of looked similar except for blue blood and pointy ears.

4:55 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes ;) There was an episode towards the end of the Star Trek Next Generation series in which they discovered that there was an ancient race that seeded the universe with human type DNA and that's why all the different races were so similar ....

5:47 PM  

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