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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Pregnant cows

Walker, backed up by Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, tells a story of a bull who has impregnated three cows already, and wants to impregnate three more. You can tell by the tittering of his conservative Christian audience, that they are loving this idea.

Because, if you're a conservative Christian, the highest calling for a man isn't solving world hunger or finding a cure for cancer ... nope, it's getting a woman knocked up. Because God created women for one purpose ... to breed. That's why conservative Christians are against contraception and abortion ... those impede God's magnificent plan to cover our planet with as many himan beings as possible.

And Herschel Walker is a great example of a dutiful conservative Christian (you did see that Newt Gingrich praised Walker for his "deep commitment to Christ", right?).

Gosh, Republicans, you must be so proud.


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