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Location: United States

Thursday, November 09, 2023

In the yard

It was so nice outside today. Sunny but slightly cool. I took some pictures ...

Here is Lucy looking at the grape leaves ...

Here are some pecans that I gathered yesterday for the squirrels ...

A couple of acorn caps ...

Hansel is checking out the mushrooms ...


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Cute cats! Lucy is so sleek.
That's neat you have a pecan tree. Where I grew up we had some black walnut trees, but I never liked their flavor very well. They were a lot of work to shell. Pecans are better.
Unfortunately for the squirrels, we didn't have any acorns this year. Don't know if it was a late frost, or just too dry for them.

10:32 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

The pecan tree was just a volunteer. I've never tried to eat any of them but the squirrels like them. My grandparents used to have almond trees and we kids had to knock them down with long sticks and then peel them and put them on screen racks outside to dry. Still don't really like almonds ;)

6:23 PM  

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