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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Get out?

Apparently, the US now believes Israel should "get out of Gaza".

This, after the US has done everything possible, it seems, to make sure Israel will fail in its war against Hamas ... the constant harping on humanitarian aid, the constant criticisms of Netanyahu, the constant investigations of IDF conduct, the nagging about what will come after the war, and now pausing the sale of weapons.

It seems the Biden administration cares more about the Palestinians than about the US citizens killed or taken hostage by Hamas. And now we're telling Israel they have to end the war?

Never has there been a war in which a country has been so scrutinized in its conduct while the war is ongoing. Certainly none of the wars the US has conducted has ever been. The US thinks the Israel/Hamas war has gone on too long? How long was/is our "war on terror"? And we think Israel has racked up too many dead? What about us? ....

The U.S. post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan have taken a tremendous human toll on those countries. As of September 2021, an estimated 432,093 civilians in these countries have died violent deaths as a result of the wars. As of May 2023, an estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones. The total death toll in these war zones could be at least 4.5-4.7 million and counting, though the precise mortality figure remains unknown. Civilian deaths have also resulted from U.S. post-9/11 military operations in Somalia and other countries ... - Civilians Killed & Wounded

We can tell Israel to leave Gaza, but we sure as hell can't make them do that. The Biden administration knows this, but hey, doesn't this stance make Biden more electable? Huh? Is it working?

Condescension and hypocrisy and self-dealing on the part of the US.


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