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Thursday, June 06, 2024

Hamas says no

- Hamas kidnapping Israeli civilians, Oct 7

It looks like Hamas is not going to agree to the most recent ceasefire/hostage deal (Hamas rejects Israel's ceasefire response, sticks to main demands). I'm not surprised.

People say it's because Hamas would not get anything out of the deal, but that isn't really true. They would get 6 weeks or more of a ceasefire in which to skitter away from Rafah and embed themselves throughout Gaza once again. Live to fight another day.

But they can't do this, can't accept the ceasefire, because they cannot release the hostages. I think that those hostages who are still left alive have been so horribly mistreated that Hamas does not want the world ... you know, the liberal world that sees them as plucky freedom fighters striving against Israeli apartheid ... to know whar rhey really are. The information war is so necessary to Hamas' survival.

Actually, I don't think Hamas need worry. The whole world saw what Hamas really was on Oct 7. The whole world learned that Hamas shot babies in their cribs, tied children together and burned them alive, cut women's breasts off as they were raping them, tortured and mutilated people so badly that authorities had trouble deciding not just who the victims were, but what they were.

And still, European nations support Hamas and American college students wear their scarves.

So the deal won't happen, Israel won't give up trying to destroy the monsters next door, and the world will take the side of terrorists.

What I can't figure out is why the US government seems to be doing nothing to rescue the hostages. We must know the only way to save them is to go and get them. Am I naive? Does that only happen in the movies? Are we so worried about pro-Palestinian sentiment that we will sit back and let them die in captivity?


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I'm surprised the Israelis haven't gone in and gotten them. I have to think they don't know where they are (they may be scattered or in another country by now). Plus if they are hidden in the tunnels it's probably booby-trapped.

4:25 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes. they have only managed to rescue just a few of them.

10:13 PM  

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