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Sunday, June 30, 2024


‘No Pride in Genocide’: S.F. march accuses LGBTQ parade of ‘pinkwashing’ Palestinians’ plight

Yep, gay pro-Palestinian protesters are protesting a gay pride march for being too "corporate", saying things like “All systems of oppression are connected.”. I hardly know where to start, so I'll just say this ....

Please, gay pro-Palestinian protesters, take your show on the road to Gaza. I'm sure those gay-hating right-wing religious extremist terrorists of Hamas will be happy to show you what oppression really looks like.

Liberals supporting a violent restrictive theocracy that murdered the opposition party, that poops on women and gay people, that rapes and kidnaps and tortures.

You must be so proud.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I don't even know how they would define "pinkwashing". But yeah, radical Islamist groups like Hamas are not known for their kindness and tolerance for gay people. Or basically anyone else who isn't like them.

6:08 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

I think it's a liberal thing to be for the underdog in a fight, and they perceive the Palestinians to be that. But they don't seem to want to look deeper.

9:09 AM  

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