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Saturday, June 22, 2024

God help us!

I've tried really hard not to dwell on the probability that Trump will win the presidency. It is common knowledge that he represents a horrible combination of both stupidity and evilness. And that's depressing because it means that at least half of our population recognizes exactly what Trump is, and because of that actually wants him to come to power. My only comfort is that as a species, I think we're almost done.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I'm still betting that he will lose. He lost last time. I don't think anyone who voted for Biden last time is going to vote for Trump this time. I could be wrong, of course.
I think a lot of his followers believe the conspiracy b.s. They're low info voters. The Democrats are better informed and hyper motivated.

4:45 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

But I keep hearing on the news how people who normally vote Democrat are switching to Trump ... young people, Latino men and Black men, etc. Hope that isn't really happening.

12:25 AM  

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