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Thursday, July 04, 2024


Listening to the White House press briefing yesterday, it's depressing how much the press is fixated on Joe Biden's debate performance. It was one bad night, but the press, along with former behind-the-scenes Democratic operatives and some progressive Democratic lawmakers, seem determined to make sure Trump wins the upcoming election by dooming Biden's campaign.

You would think that only perfect people need apply for the job of president, byt no president is perfect ... Clinton got blow jobs in the Oval office, Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction, Reagan had Iran-Contra, Jimmy Carter lusted in his heart, and then there was Nixon.

And Trump ... how is it that all these reporters and pundits are not calling for the rapist/crook/proto-dictator to get out of the race?

Biden is the best president we have had in a long time. Yes, he is old, but there's nothing necessarily wrong with being old. It actually isn't some kind of moral failure, it's what will happen to all of us if we are lucky. It's possible to still keep all your marbles and be old, but humans aren't robots - even the best of us can stimble. That possibility must be acceptable.

And if worse came to worse sometime down the line in Biden's presidency? That could happen to any president , no matter what his age. That is what vice-presidents are for. And we have a good one, standing ready, just in case.

So, everybody, get off Joe's back and help him beat the effing monster!


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