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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

More Vance

I'm a childless cat lady. I'm not one of the regretful childless people that we see on the news. I have never been keen on having kids, and I mostly find them kind of scary .... they are humanity without the wisdom and restraint of experience.

And anyway, the world has too many people as it is. Really ...

Why do people like Vance (and institutions like the Catholic church) demean the childless, why do they glorify what is basically a replacemnt method that humans share with almost every other creature on the planer?

I think it has to do with being afraid, with wanting to control others.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

About him being Catholic, he hasn't been one for very long, and seems to have gravitated to a rather right-wing corner of Catholicism. There are a lot of different flavors of Catholicism, that one is a minority one even in the US. Unfortunately it is a very noisy section of the church. I blame the internet and social media.

5:39 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

I have noticed that the conservative Catholics seem to have a much bigger presence online than liberal Catholics. But even the ones that are pretty liberal, like the National Catholic Reporter or US Catholic or America magazine, still have to toe the line on things like women's reproductive stuff. They can't get away with disagreeing, because the church won't allow people to be in good standing and to dissent. When you see Catholics like Nancy Pelosi or Biden, they are on;y still getting communion because their individual priests have allowed it.

9:31 AM  

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