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Friday, July 19, 2024

The speech

- The Trump ladies ... God's gift to the plastic surgery and hair dye industries.

Listening to Trump give his "God saved me" part of his speech, watching the adoring and worshipful crowd sucking it all up. The new Messiah. God help us all :(

But oh, there it is, now he's turning back into the Trump we've come to know so well ... the one whose every word is a lie. He says he's happy to be joined by his wonderful wife, the one he has endlessly cheated on. God, please don't let them win ... I can't take more Haunted House Christmas decorations.

I give up. I'll leave it to CNN to point out all the lies ...


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I can't even..., I couldn't ever listen to 90 minutes of Trump speaking. The sound of his voice affects me like nails on chalkboard. Especially that thing he does at the end of a sentence where his voice sort of rises and falls. It's like a tv preacher. And that's not even taking into account all the lies.

7:57 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes. I don't understand how half the country can have such a radically different opinion of him.

9:34 AM  

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