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Monday, September 09, 2024

A day at the vet

Lately Hansel (see above) hasn't been eating and was getting very thin. Blind-as-a-bat me finally noticed that she was still hungry, but seemed to have trouble actually eating. I was afraid she would actually starve.

My sister was able to get a photo of Hansel's mouth with her phone and we could see one of her canine teeth seeming to stick out at an odd angle. While my sister was trying to get a photo of Hansel, I took one of Snowy ...

and also one of Olive ...

But anyway, we decided to take Hansel to the emergency vet place, as it was Sunday. When we got there, they took Hansel away, but said it would be about 3 hours before they could even examine her because there were so many people before us. My sister played solitaire on her phone and I worried.

Finally we were able to see a doctor. We explained what we thought was wrong and she said she didn't notice any tooth problems with Hansel, and that they didn't do deentristy stuff there. We were so disappointed ... would we even be able to catch Hansel again to take her to another vet ... how long would it be before we could get an appointment ... how much was all of this going to cost?

The doctor said she would look at Hansel again. She was back in just a few minutes with this ...

It was Hansel's canine tooth (and root). She said it was so loose, she decided to just grab it and yank it out. What a relief! They gave us pain meds for Hansel and she got a long acting antibiotic shot, and we could finally go home.

The first thing we did was offer Hansel some canned food with pain medication on it, and she gobbled it up. Today she ate some more. She hasn't eaten any dry food yet, but hopefully she will eventually.

So glad this turned out as well as it did. There are 15 cats here and a lot of them are now becoming elderly - Hamsel is about 10 years old. When I think about how I will manage to take care of them all, the worry is crushing, so I just go day by day and hope for the best. Today was a good day.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I'm glad they removed the tooth! I never heard of a vet who wouldn't address tooth infections. Hopefully now she will start getting better

1:08 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Thanks. She is eating canned food now. She's having more trouble with the dry stuff but maybe that will get better over time.

2:35 PM  

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