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Friday, August 30, 2024

Free IVF?

:) I have to laugh. Does Trump even understand what IVF is? Has he forgotten that all his religiously extreme voters and his pro-life adherents are against IVF?

Here's a bit from a past article in the conservative National Catholic Register ...

What Is the Catholic Church’sWhat Is the Catholic Church’s

[T]he use of IVF is contrary to Catholic teachings. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2377) states that IVF is “morally unacceptable” because it separates the marriage act from procreation and establishes “the domination of technology” over human life .... IVF involves the use of artificial means to achieve pregnancy outside of the marriage act ....

During the IVF process, multiple human embryos are made and then evaluated in a “grading” process .... Almost half of the human embryos created through IVF are “discarded” during the process .... something that in the Church’s eyes amounts to the killing of millions of innocent lives ...

Even given this stance by the Catholic church, Catholic women still use IVF ... Despite church prohibitions, Catholics still choose IVF to have children

So maybe Trump is just being smart in his reptile-brain way ... confuse the voters, give them enough ambiguity that they can believe whatever they need to in order to still vote for him.

I'm wondering how do people who believe a fetus is a person from the time of conception, and are thus against abortion, be ok with the discarding of frozen embryos with IVF?


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

If people believe that life is sacred from conception, then by definition they don't believe in IVF. (The procedure Tim Walz and his wife used to conceive their children was IUI, which is different and doesn't destroy any embryos).
But Trump? He doesn't believe anything. His only principle is self interest.

2:17 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Right. I just saw JD Vance on the news answering questions about this. Conservative Catholic Vance seemed unaware that IVF means throwing out embryos - he was like "oh yeah, we want to help people have babies" . There is no bottom for them.

5:45 PM  

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