Merciful extinction

- Munthe's Villa San Michele on Capri, built on the ruins of Tiberius' digs
Saw this quotation in a book I'm reading ....
"But in one respect at least I can say with a clear conscience that I have not deceived my readers - in my love for animals. I have loved them and suffered with them my whole life. I have loved them far more than I have ever loved my fellow-men. All that is best in me I have given to them, and I mean to stand by them to the last and share their fate whatever it may be. If it is true that there is to be no haven or rest for them when their sufferings here are at an end, I, for one, am not going to bargain for any haven for myself. I shall go without fear where they go, and by the side of my brothers and sisters from forests and fields, from skies and seas, lie down to merciful extinction in their mysterious underworld, safe from any further torments inflicted by God or man, safe from any haunting dream of eternity."
- Axel Munthe, from The Story of San Michele
>safe from any haunting dream of eternity."
Crystal we all need a loop hole which is a lot better than a black hole I guess. Right or wrong I imagine that he or she is saying with these words, let the chips fall where they may and/or that's my story and I'm sticking to "IT!"
Sure learning a lot from your blog Crystal and you're not even charging me for it. :)
God Bless,
Thanks, Victor.
My Franciscan professors were adamant that God's intention is the redemption of all creation...which they read as all creatures. No merciful extinction from that cosmological perspective.
Oliver and Ginger were so very happy to hear that! ;o)
Hi Cura,
I like the Franciscan view - thanks.
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