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Friday, January 31, 2020

He's guilty

So, not enough Republicans voted for witnesses and documents to matter. Some of them admitted they believed the Democrats proved their case against Trump, but still they will let him get away with it. Why? As Republican Lamar Alexander opined, what Trump did wasn't serious enough to warrant impeachment. This from a party that impeached a president for having an extra-marital affair and lying about it - if we added up all of Trump's affairs and all of his lies, we would be here until the apocalypse.

Trump will brag to his zombie cult that he has been exonerated. That will be a lie. Despite Trump's lawyers lying their asses off, a majority of the Senate (all Democrats and some Republicans) found him guilty of the things of which he was accused, but the Republicans, who care more about keeping themselves in power than about the country, don't have the courage nor the integrity to remove him.

And now Trump is arguably the most powerful president in US history - as presidential historian Jon Meacham said above, virtually a king. What do you think Trump is going to do with all that power the Republicans have given him?


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