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Tuesday, May 03, 2022

American theocracy

Poor Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski .... they say they were lied to by Trump's Justices about their stances on Roe v Wade! Holy sh*t, a brain dead person would have known they were lying. If Collins and Murkowski want to really insure women's right to choose, they should prove it by voting for the House bill that would codify abortion access.

Meanwhile we have to buckle up, because this isn't the end, it's the beginning.

The conservatives on the Court will now go adter the right to contraception (Griswold v. Connecticut) .... pro-lifers have for years been lying about contraception being abortion.

And they will go after marriage equality (Obergefell v. Hodges).

Don't be surprised - if you were a Catholic and a fan of Pope Francis, you would know that is the goal .... an end to contraception, and an end to marraige equality. Back to the good old days when women were barefoot and pregnant, and gay people hid in the shadows.

And don't forget - if the Republicans pick up seats in Congress, they will work to make a federal law against abortion in every state of the country.

Welcome to conservative America's theocracy.


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