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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Who do you believe?

Wars are not just fought on the physical battlefield betwen actual combatants. There's also the issue of which side is winning the information war.

In the Israel/Hamas conflict, the terrorists have clearly won that information war, with their presented narrative being accepted not only by most people, but often by news organizations as well: one would think from the headlines that the war is actually taking place between the Israeli army and innocent Gazan civilians. Wait - what about the terrorists?

One example is the recent Israeli raid on Al-Shifa Hospital. The news is full of outrage at that military move, writing that hospitals should never be raided, that health care workers and patients are endangered, that people were detained for questioning, including a journalist.

But not as prominent in the news is that the IDF encountered many members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad at the hospital, that the IDF did detain people for questioning as any military force would, and also that the IDF has been careful to protect and even help hospital staff and patients.

So who do you believe?

You know that confirmation bias thing ... the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.

Well, apparently, a lot of people prefer to believe the terrorists instead of the Israelis. The same terroists who have raped, tortured, murdered, and kidnapped people. The same terrorists who are continuing to kill Israeli soldiers, who are still shooting rockets at Israelis civilians, and who are still keeping prisoner (and sexually abusing) elderly, female, and child hostages.

I just don't understand why anyone would believe them.


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