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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


All I see in the news is that more food aid has to get into Gaza, that people are starving, and that it's all Israel's fault. But those statements seem to be questionable. It seems there is plenty of aid, it's getting into Gaza. But the UN and aid groups are not distributing it. Why not? Looting is one reason. By Gazans.

From The Wall Street Journal ...

At $25 Each, Cigarettes Are Turning Gaza Aid Trucks Into Targets

A group of Palestinian men approached a United Nations warehouse in central Gaza last week and demanded access to aid stored inside. The gang wasn’t interested in food, fuel or medicine. It wanted something it considered far more valuable: contraband cigarettes hidden in the humanitarian cargo.

The incident, described by a U.N. official, is emblematic of a significant new impediment to aid deliveries in the enclave. Rampant cigarette smuggling—fueled by high prices for tobacco—has become the latest manifestation of a breakdown in law and order that is slowing the delivery of lifesaving assistance ...


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