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Location: United States

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


What a freak show. Republican lawmakers lying their asses off, former rivals of Trump debasing themselves, loud music permeating the room as the audience howls its adulation. And the big chees presiding over it all.

Reminds me of a similar occassion, long long ago in a galaxy far far away ...


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Reminds me of when the carnival is in town. Everyone getting a sugar high from the cotton candy, riding the tilt-a-whirl and the zipper and all that other stuff. And the music is blaring and the colored lights are flashing and people are getting an adrenalin and endorphin high to go with their sugar high. But then it's over and the carnival is gone and there's all the trash to clean up. And they have to come down to earth and they have a migraine.
I'm afraid that's how it will be after the election.

7:56 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes, like a carnival :) The state fair is going on right now here and it's like a giant version of that. I loved it when I was a kid, especially the animals, but now just the thought makes me feel tired.

9:26 AM  

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