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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The whining

There's no way out': Democrats feel powerless as 'elites' fall in line behind Biden

All along, they say, they’ve felt deep concerns about Biden — and fielded reservations from voters, as poll after poll has demonstrated — but have felt powerless to act in the face of a White House and Democratic Party that’s been under Biden’s thumb ....

Even after a disastrous debate performance that was initially met with calls for him to step aside, new revelations from those around the president expressing concerns about his mental acuity and warning signs about future fundraising, one power broker after another is falling in line behind Biden — in some cases after just expressing grave doubts about him.

But by some accounts from Democrats on Tuesday, that backing felt more akin to a death march to November than a rousing backing for a party nominee ...

Right, exactly like a death march. Oh, where's my violin?

These sad-sacks are powerless, not because Biden is being mean to them, but because Biden won fair and square the election to be the Democratic candidate .... the voters have selected him, and these dopes don't have the right to usurp that decision and install their own choice. Did they forget they are Democrats, not Republicans?

To quote Trump ... sad ;)


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