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Friday, August 23, 2024

The circus

RFK Jr. suspends campaign and supports Trump

I'm shocked, shoked I say, to learn that RFK, supposedly a Democrat, has decided to withdraw from the presidential race and instead endorse and join forces with Republican Trump.

Yep, the environmentalist is going to join the guy who wants to reverse all environmental regulations. Of course there are many areas on which you would imagine they would disagree, but these are apparently overwhelmed by the number of issues in whcich they are so simpatico. Like they both love Putin, and they both hate vaccines, and they both believe in nutty conspiracy theories. And both of them are, as far as I can tell, as crazy as bedbugs. A match made in heaven.

One thing I've got to know, after listening to his speech in the video above ... if Trump wins and RFK has power in that administration, will all the overweight people in the US have to join the circus? Just asking because I'm a bit chubby myself.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Totally agree about them both being as crazy as bedbugs. It sounds like they're not actually in agreement with policy issues, just the nutty stuff and conspiracy theories. Well I guess that gives them something to talk to each other about.
One of my friends used to be a Trumper, but she has soured on him. She was curious about RFK Jr and was thinking about going for him ;(this was prior to him dropping out). She remembers his father and said her whole family was sad when he got killed. But Jr is nothing like his father, or JFK. Hopefully she won't go back on the Trump train, but I wouldn't bet on it.

2:18 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes, I think people who haven't actually listened to him speak at length have no idea of how different he is from the other Kennedys.

6:31 PM  

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