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Monday, August 19, 2024


- Dizengoff Street bus bombing Orthodox Jew from the Hevra Kadisha, collecting remains of the victims who died in the explosion to bury them in the religious matter

When I write "martyrs" I'm not posting about medieval Catholic saints, I'm posting about suicide bombers ...

Hamas claims Tel Aviv bomb explosion as suicide attack - BBC

Hamas has claimed it was behind a bomb explosion in Tel Aviv on Sunday night which Israeli authorities say killed the suspected attacker and injured a civilian.

A statement from the armed group said it had been a “martyrdom operation" carried out in co-operation with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

It also warned that suicide attacks would “return to the forefront” if Israel continued what it called “massacres” of Palestinians ...

Hamas and other terrorist groups purposely try to kill civilians, and glorify the "martyrs" they send to kill those civilians as well as themselves.

Not a new thing - when Hamas said suicide bombings would "return to the forefront" of their strategy, they were speaking of their history of suicide bombings in Israel - Wikipedia has a partial list of them: List of Palestinian suicide attacks - with this introduction ...

This article contains a non-comprehensive list of Palestinian suicide attacks carried out by Palestinian individuals and militant groups, usually against Israeli civilian targets. The use of indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations is illegal under international law.

The first suicide attack was carried out in 1989. The high point was in 2002 during the Second Intifada. The Al-Aqsa Intifada saw a dramatic upswing in suicide bombings, with A, 40% of the total number originated in East Jerusalem. A 2007 study of Palestinian suicide bombings during the Second Intifada (September 2000 through August 2005) found that 39.9% of the suicide attacks were carried out by Hamas, 26.4% by Fatah, 25.7% by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), 5.4% by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and 2.7% by other organizations. The attacks steeply declined by 2008 ...

Why did the bombings decline? Because Israel built a wall - Israeli West Bank barrier.

One of those suicide bombings that I especially think of is the 1994 Dizengoff Street bus bombing

The Dizengoff Street bus bombing was a Hamas suicide attack on a passenger bus driving down Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv in 1994. At that time, it was the deadliest suicide bombing in Israeli history, and the first successful attack in Tel Aviv. 22 civilians were killed and 50 were injured. The attack was planned by Hamas chief Yahya Ayyash, a week before the signing of the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace ...

I recall reading that the remains of the victims had to picked up with tweezers by Rabbis in order to be saved for burial. The bomber left a messages, calling himself a martyr who would end up in paradise.

Meanwhile, the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, is still financially rewarding suicide bombers and other terrorist "martyrs" with his "Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund.

The PA - the organization that the Biden administration thinks is worthy to rule Gaza after the war.

And Hamas - the bloody terrorist group that the protesters at the Democratic convention love so much.


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