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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The safe zone isn't safe

CNN: 'They told us this area was safe': Israeli-designated humanitarian safe zone in Gaza targeted by strike

The Times of Israel: IDF says it hit 3 Hamas commanders in Gaza tent camp, contests claim dozens killed

The humanitarian zone was safe, until the terrorists moved there, put their command centers there, launched rockets from there, etc. Even then, the IDF says it has taken measures to limit civilian death. Conflicting reporting on the number of casualties .... why does the press always accept the terrorists' claims on the death toll?

If the Israelis are forced to fight a war with no civilian casualties, there will be no war. I guess that's the terrorists' hope, and the press and the international comunity seem onboard with this - abandon the remaining hostages, and stop trying to bring the rapists and murderers and kidnappers to justice. Call it Peace.

Saw this today, which sums up the problem. Writer Douglas Murray with Piers Morgan ...


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