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Monday, September 30, 2024

The State Dept on Nasrallah's death

Certainly, I think it is an unalloyed good for the people of Lebanon and the people of the broader region that Hassan Nasrallah is no longer walking the face of this Earth. He is someone, as I said, who held Lebanon's political governance from moving forward, he is someone who has attacked the civilians of Lebanon over the years, he is someone who has attacked obviously civilians of Israel, he has attacked American citizens, and he has attacked civilians in Syria. So, it is good for the region and the world that he is no longer with us ....

[Israel] has a right to go after legitimate terrorist targts like Hassan Nasrallah, and we support them taking those steps, just as we have brought terrorists who targeted American citizens to justice over time ...

Comments by Matt Miller at today's State Department press briefing, on being asked about Israel having killed Nasrallah.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I don't think very many people were sorry to see that guy removed from the scene.

5:06 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yeah. I remember when Obama had Osama bin Laden killed. It was a shock to know we did that. I guess I'm becoming sort of used to the idea.

9:57 PM  

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