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Wednesday, September 10, 2008




Blogger victor said...

Dear Crystal,

As a Christian, I love you but I could no more support the marriage of a man and a man and/or a woman and a woman no more than Jesus could have supported the woman that He saved from being stoned to death. It's not because a man and a man is in love or a woman and a woman who fall in love that is wrong because on the surface we should all love each other cause that's a Commandment of Jesus. It's the physical part of love making that would eventually come into practice and that is so wrong in God's Eyes. I hear Ya! Where do you get off thinking that you know what God's Will is?

I hope that I am never put to the test by Satan with God's Permission of becoming "Gay" cause I would probably surely fail and might be joining these people's fight. If I did, it would still be wrong for me just like bating the master is wrong by anyone of our cells who team together as brain cells and convince other cells from other parts of our body that it's ok to do so.

I also believe that there are spiritual good and spiritual bad cells in each of our human bodies. As long as these cells are balanced in reality then many people nowadays who try to understand God, might consider that everything is OK with the human body as far as blessing their sex is concern. But as for the spirit and the soul, if these practices were permitted in reality as being ok even with 99% agreement of any church of God it would not be allowed by “The Holy Trinity” and He would eventually whip these fooled sinners out of His Church.

Some will say that it's just ridiculous with you Victor cause all you want is to be mean spirited and even if Jesus appeared and told you to let them be, you would even go against Him.

It would be so easy for me to let it all be because I’ve done all I can to warn everyone and I’m not even an official prophet but my heart and brain keep telling me come on Victor give “IT” one more try cause you know that God Loves them all but He can’t accept blessing physical love and I can’t pretend that He would hold His anger forever and if He did allow same sex blessing, it’s certainly would not be a Day That Our Good Lord had made.

I'll start closing by saying that if cells team up in the brain and convince any other body part to sin against God then it would be better for those human cells to pluck themselves out of that body flesh in question than to enter Heaven and be cast down into the fire of Hell for Eternity.

Please forgive me Crystal but that’s how my heart and my brain see it as of today.

I do agree that we should try and support all of these people in a loving manner but not by encouraging them to commit an act of sin against God.

I hope that you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me someday cause I really am trying to love these people and be kind to them but God did not create Adam and Steve and as much as it might hurt many, He created Adam and Eve and just because some can imagine it being a Ferry Tale, it still won’t make it right cause two wrongs can never make One right.

I’ll accept again that we probably will still need to agree to disagree as Christians and thank you for allowing such a long comment.


God Bless

5:50 PM  
Blogger crystal said...


I'm never mad at you for what you believe, especially as you never get mad at me, even though we disagree. I think we're both sincere and probably will never change each other's minds, but I'm glad we can still agree to disagree :)

9:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with you and the Episcopalian Bishops. We cannot legislate one concept of morality in a pluralistic society. The churches can teach what they will, but they have no right to deny any citizen equal societal protection and appropriation.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Crystal, a little off subject, but have you see the movie "A Face In The Crowd"? I did in 1957. No, we can't predict the future but this movie is prescient. I am going to post The Return of Dusty Rhodes on my blog in an hour or so. You might want to take a look, although if you know the film you know what I will say. Jack

9:55 AM  
Blogger Liam said...

You know I agree with you on this. What I don't understand is why the Catholic bishops are making such a deal about civil marriage. If they don't want to allow gay marriages within the church, I will pray they change there minds, but I understand where they're coming from. What business is this of theirs?

11:13 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Hi gloriman.

Yes, what's happening to the separation of church and state?

11:31 AM  
Blogger crystal said...


I haven't seen that movie, but I just looked it up on Wikipedia. I'm not sure I know what you mean about it though.

11:38 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Hi Liam,

That's how I feel too. It's an interesting tension, that between religion as a margnalized movement and as a definer of the whole of society's morals. JD Crossan said in one interview I saw that the early Christians really wanted Jesus to be like Caesar, ruler of all of society, but that we've made Christianity into a gnostic private thing.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Crystal, surely you see a Dusty Rhodes phenomeon on the national scene today..Jack

12:02 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Dusty Rhodes, according to Wikipedia, was a hypocrit who had contempt for his sudience, but who kept that to himself? That sounds like some politicians, I guess :)

12:17 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Crystal, Dusty Rhodes was a TV phenomenon who became a national figure because of his 'style.'The 'people' loved him and he became prominent on the national scene and politics, a subect in which he knew almost nothing.Strictly a TV created oracle. Are not Republicans clever? Jack

12:24 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Crystal, Liam, Jeff etc. I love you all. But I bet you live on the east or west coast. You are smart, wellspoken, educated, sophisticated. but you just dont't get it: Middle America, geographically and culturally. Throw me off if you have to. Jack

12:34 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

I am on the west coast so you may be right.

1:01 PM  

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