A Meditation on Hell

Still reading The Gift of Spiritual Intimacy: Following the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
When someone first told me about the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, I bought the book. What I didn't realize was that the book isn't really meant to be read in the normal way - it's more a handbook for retreat givers - and I was shocked. The first thing I read was A Meditation on Hell: a meditation on the angels rebelling, on Adam and Eve making a mistake, on my own whole lifetime of sin, and on how really really bad hell was going to be - I almost gave up on the Exercises and God right then and there. I did eventually get a better understanding of what Ignatius might be getting at - that God loves us no matter what, but I still have a lot of problems with the ideas of sin and the existence of hell, and I have questions about God's responsibility vs ours in the whole "evil" thing.
But anyway, here's the bit I've just been reading in the book ...
What usually happens at the beginning of our spiritual journey is denial of the dreadful and profound facts of evil and sin and of the ways each of us is contaminated and implicated. We are not unaware of evil, destruction, or loss. This awareness is, usually, what starts our journey. But we are unaware of just how contaminated we are by what we seek to remove ourselves from. This can be as simple as a refusal to believe what Ignatius proposes we examine prayerfully -- the reality of cosmic disorder -- is true. Or, our awareness can be a little more nuanced and we can consider this reality from a detached point of view. We can say to ourselves, Yes, I suppose it is true -- if you believe in that sort of thing -- but it really has nothing to do with me. We can even go further and think about the mystery of evil as an intellectual problem, considering why the angels did what they did, why God permits evil, and how evil and God can co-exist. Then we substitute theological inquiry for prayer. We may also enter into these meditations emotionally and feel overwhelmed by what is presented ...
The author asks at the end of this part of the book ... What questions about the nature of God as good or compassionate does the reality of evil raise in your life? How do you reconcile a good God with the suffering of the powerless and the innocent?
I'm still working on answers to those questions - probably always will be.
(((- that God loves us no matter what, but I still have a lot of problems with the ideas of sin and the existence of hell, and I have questions about God's responsibility vs ours in the whole "evil" thing.)))
As YA probably know, Me myself and i don't read books cause we've got enough trying to read sinner vic if YA get my drift NOW!
Victor! Victor! Victor! Why can't YA accept that this so called holy spirit does not exist and as for your so called 7% "Jesus Cell" hell, I mean well 7 says "IT" all when that little retardo came home telling HER that he got 7% in reality on his exam and long story short, SHE's the only "ONE" who could mustar seed enough "LOVE" to con vince this soul not to go buy another polar bear if YA get our drift NOW?
Relax Crystal and just stick with your agreeing to disagree with Victor cause when we get to U>S vs this so called holy spirit, we're way ahead and we simply need to SNAP our fingers and the gods will come running NOW and......
Sorry! "I'M" going to quit cause me, myself and i don't want The Angels digging two more graves if YA know what "I" mean NOW? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sEQF9Xulrc
We agree Victor let's just wait for "IT" NOW! YA know U>S vs Victor NOW!
YA mean Summer don't YA sinner vic NOW?
OH YA! OH YA! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIH8ev8x8PA
Go figure folks!? :)
NOT FUNNY sinner vic! :(
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