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Monday, March 29, 2021

Fr. Martin SJ

Looking at YouTube for advice on how to replace window glazing putty, I was sucked down the video rabbit hole and eventually came uppn a recent CBS news clip about gay priests in the Catholic church, with Fr. James Martin SJ featured.

When asked how many priests in the church are gay, Fr. Martin said, "I'm guessing. Maybe 40%. Who knows. If it was 40% I wouldn't be surprised. If it was 80% I wouldn't be surprised".

I mention this because of the pope's recent comment on LGBT people, and because I think the fact that there is such a high rate of gay priests in the church has an effect on a lot of issues, from the church's stance on marriage equality for gay people, to the clerical sex abuse crisis.

My solution would be to open up the priesthood to both men and women, straight and gay, married and not, like other Christian denominations. In orderr to do that, though, the church would have to change its teachings on women and on gay people.

This won't happen. It will never happen. The Catholic church has built its power on its ownership of the Truth. There's not the humility necessary to own up to fallibility.


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