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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

More murders

Another mass shooting, less than a week after the last one.

I would be happy if the US was like the UK or Japan, where the average person can't own most firearms. It creeps me out that there are states in the US where people can "open carry" weapons, some without even a permit. Think white nationalist militia members toting their long guns around, intimidating others while vainly trying to compensate for what must be crushing levels of inadequacy.

Nihilistic Republican politicians, acting as if the 2nd amendment was handed down to us by God himnself, all the while caring only that the NRA doesn't put out mean ads about them when they run for re-elecrion. They didn't care about little kids being gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School and they won't care about these latest Colorado victims either.

But now we have a Democratic president and a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, and the option of getting rid of the filibuster. I hope the Democrats use this opportunity to seriously neuter gun rights.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Their worship of the 2nd amendment is idolatry. And of course Lauren Boebert, the congressional representative from Colorado's 3rd district, chimed in with "thought and prayers". She could have just left it at that, but she didn't. She didn't even let 24 hours go by before she started blathering about gun rights. Because that's more important than 10 people's right to live. For what it's worth, Boulder is in CO's 2nd district, Boebert isn't their rep. Boulder tried to enact a gun ordinance but was blocked (of course) by Republicans.

9:47 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

And I think Colorado is an open carry state. I can't imagine what it's like to see people out and about with guns displayed. So scary and dangerous.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

My state, Nebraska is open carry, too. I don't think I've actually seen anyone carrying a gun like in the old westerns. But it's legal if anyone wants to. Our governor unfortunately encouraged some of the gun enthusiasts to bring their guns into the state capitol building a while back, I suppose underscoring his second amendment friendliness. But making the employees who work there and any visitors feel threatened and unsafe. Not cool.

2:57 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

The only person in my family who had a gun was my grandfather, who brought a Luger back from Europe after WWI. He never brought it out. People can't carry guns around here in CA. You can transport them by car but they have to be unloaded and locked in the truck or a box. It just seems insane to let everyone walk around with a gun. They didn't even do that in the Old West ...

5:26 PM  

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