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Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Ari Melber has Anne Applebaum on his show, talking about her recent article in The Atlantic - There Are No Rules.

Listening to excuses given for those celebrating what Hamas did in Israel make me feel queasy. They say it's too bad about the torture/murder, but it's "war" and that kind of stuff is ok in war.

This is just BS. What Hamas did ... the rape, torture, murder, and kidnapping of civilian men, women, children, and babies .... that is not war. War actually has rules. What Hamas did is terrorism.

There is a reason why, during the Vietnam War, when US troops raped and murdered civilians (My Lai massacre) it was deemed a war crime. There is a reason why, when more recently, Russian troops raped and tortured and murdered civilians in Ukraine, it was deemed war crimes (War crimes in the Russian invasion of Ukraine).

Raping and torturing and murdering civilians isn't war. That's just an excude, of course, for those who believe but don't want to admit that anything is permitted to reach your goals, and that the ends always excuse any means.


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