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Monday, November 13, 2023


Hadrian's Wall was damaged when the Sycamore Gap tree came down, analysis finds

I perked up when I saw a mention of the Roman emperor Hadrian in the news. Not because he was an especially good guy, but because there's a lot of extant art and architecture associated with him - you come to appreciate such stuff when studying the dusty past :)

For instance, Hadrian had many artworks made of his boyfriend, Antinous, who was said to be very attractive, but who sadly died by drowning in the Nile. Here are busts of Hadrian and Antinous at the British Museum ...

Another concrete example of Hadrian's existence is his villa outside of Rome ...

And, of course, then there was his wall mentioned in the news story ...

But I think more people will be familiar with something else belonging to Hadrian - his tomb in Rome - although most Catholics now call it the Castel Sant'Angelo ...


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

It was sad that the cause of the tree coming down and the damage to the wall was vandalism. I just don't see why anyone would do that, it didn't gain them anything.
I have never seen Hadrian's wall, but would like to visit England.

4:42 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

I did go to England once, a long time ago in 1976, but didn't see the wall. I only got as far as London and Oxford.

6:49 PM  

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