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Friday, June 07, 2024

UNRWA schools

In most of the press, all we see on this is "Israel bombs school, killing x number of Palestinians".

The school was not, at this time, open and functioning as an actual school, full of kids, but was used as a shelter for people who have not left Rafah.

Let's recall that the UN itself said that nunerous UNRWA staff members took part in the Oct 7 attack on Israerl, so the idea of an UNRWA school housing terrorists is not unbelievable ... a past article at The Wall Street Journal: Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7 Attack

Hamas has claimed the Israeli strike killed a number of people. How many of those killed were Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, and how many were civiliams? And why should we believe these numbers at all, when they are coming from Hamas?


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