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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hostage rescue

Hostage rescued by IDF from tunnel in south Gaza after 10 months of Hamas captivity

Israeli hostage Farhan al-Qadi was safely rescued by IDF special forces from Hamas captivity in one of the terror group’s tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday after more than 10 months in captivity, the military announced.

Al-Qadi, 52, was found inside a tunnel by commandos of the Israeli Navy’s Shayetet 13 unit and troops of the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit, the military said. The operation was led by the Israel Defense Forces’ Southern Command, the Shin Bet security agency, and the IDF’s 162nd Division ....

Al-Qadi, from a Bedouin community near the southern city of Rahat, was working as a guard at a packing factory in Kibbutz Magen on October 7. He was abducted by Hamas terrorists from an area near the nearby community of Mivtahim ...

This may be the only way any of the hostages still held by terrorists in Gaza will be saved, given that Hamas seems to have no intention of releasing them and giving up its leverage.

Meanwhile, I'm already hearing reporters asking ... "but but but, how many Palestinians got hurt in this rescue?". Because people are widgets and we must do a cost/benefit analysis to determine if it's worth it to rescue an Israeli hostage? What about an American hostage - how much collaterol damage is acceptable in that case? Should no one ever be rescued? Why is the de facto setting for the press pro-Hamas?


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