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Monday, August 26, 2024


Whale of a candidate: There’s an RFK Jr. animal (well, mammal) story — and it’s weirder than the bear

How much longer before a story surfaces that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had a pet koala that was tragically killed when it fell out of a tree and eventually became a blue-ribbon casserole at a local fair?

Because if you thought that Central Park bear story was strange, or that photo of him with a barbecued carcass of a dog — or was it a goat? — was weird, or his brainworm affliction explained a lot ... well, it seems we all missed another RFK Jr. adventure from the wild kingdom, revealed in a profile of his daughter Kick, in 2012, and it’s a whale of a tale:

Kick’s taste for the extreme was fed by her dad’s eccentric environmentalism. Exhibit A: When she was six, word got out that a dead whale had washed up on Squaw Island in Hyannis Port. Bobby — who likes to study animal skulls and skeletons — ran down to the beach with a chainsaw, cut off the whale’s head, and then bungee-corded it to the roof of the family minivan for the five-hour haul back to Mount Kisco, New York ...

If this man were not wealthy and famous, I think it's probable he would have been arrested or committed by now. How appropriate that he has found his true home with soul-mate Donald Trump.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Ackk! The whale story is just gross! It wasn't a live animal, but still disgusting to haul a piece home. Not to mention the dead bear cub thing. I would think he should have been taken in for a psych evaluation.

10:13 AM  

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