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Saturday, August 10, 2024

The information war

Video and story on the news about and IDF strike at a former school in Gaza that was housing Hamas terrorists. It shows women and children, and some dead bodies, a damaged building. The news commentator does not say where the video comes from ... ABC news has no reporters inside Gaza, so I assume it comes from a Palestinian stringer. Gaza's Hamas-run media office is the sourc of the numbers of the dead and injured. ABC news does not question the video or the numbers. No mention of how many of the dead were terrorists

Why does the press accept the words of Palestinian stringers when some have been shown to be members of Hamas? (CNN Fires Gaza-Based Photojournalist Discovered to Be Embedded With Hamas_ ... Gaza journalist who wrote for Al Jazeera was holding 3 hostages in home with family, Israel says).

Why does the press report death counts that come from Hamas, a terrorist organization?

The reporter on the story did briefly mention the IDF's comment on the strike, but the skepticism was pretty thick. Here is what the IDF said about this strike ...

Israel has so lost the information war.


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