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Monday, February 21, 2022


Update 2/22: ‘This Is Genius’: Trump Praises Putin’s Move Into Ukraine–And Blasts Biden

And so it begins: Putin declares the breakaway regions of Ukraine as independent republics, ones to which he is now sending troops. This is the pretext Putin has been looking for, in order to plausibly deny what he has planned to do from day one: take Ukraine back for Mother Russia. Except it isn't plausibly deniable, it's blatantly obvious to everyone. Thing is, when you're a dictator who's been in power for more than 20 years, you don't have to give a poop about optics.

Not surprisingly, Trump's Republican toadies in Congress and on Fox are on the side of Russia against Ukraine. After all, they want a Trump-led conservative religious dictatorship here in the US, so of course they love Putin's Russia.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Wait a minute, didn't conservatives think Russia was the evil empire? These 180° turns make me dizzy.

4:40 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

I think there are some few Republicans left who think that - maybe McConnell, Romney, etc. But Trump always loved Putin, and his suck-ups love him too. Because what they do love is remorseless limitless power over others, the ability to crush them into submission, whether they're women wanting to control their childbearing, or gay people wanting to have families of their own, or racial and religious minorities wanting to have equal opportunities. They want to be on top, pooping on others, no matter what that takes. This is now the majority of the Republican party, politicians and the voting base. This is why they love Trump - he's the avatar of this mentality.

7:39 PM  

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